What are CHAMP’s made out of?

Why do we remember Boston Celtics of early 80s, Los Angeles Lakers in late 80s, and Chicago Bulls from 90s and New England Patriots of 2000s. These teams have reached the pinnacle of success in their sport after a lot of sweat and hard work. They had to play like a team to win all those accolades. Even Tiger Woods who re-wrote the history books with his accomplishments in Golf, Roger Federer in Tennis, and Michael Schumacher in F-1 formula car racing – there are many more but the gist of it all is these are true CHAMP’s. What does it take to be a true CHAMP?

C – Conduct: Believing, Desirability, Self-Talk, Self-Care represents the Conduct of a true Champ. These champs have the Belief, Desire, Motivation and Discipline to get it done. They take no excuses for preparation, practices, attitude and visualization.

H – Honesty: True Champ is always honest with himself – they never lie to themselves. They are honest to the time commitments for preparations, practice, strategy etc. They are honest with their weaknesses too so that they can work on them and eliminate them.

A – Attitude: The Attitude of a winner is having zero tolerance to BS. Attitude of a true Champ is Integrity. The Attitude of a true Champ helps them to prepare, plan, prioritize and play the game of life whatever sport they elect to participate in. They keep ‘I’ (individual or ego) out of the realm for winning the game of life (community or team)

M – Mind Set: For every Champ, mind-set is 80% of the equation and mechanics are only 20%. By concentrating solely on mechanics a Champion is not crowned until he conquers his mind-set. True Champ know what is the most important ingredient in the game, they know to refine, rejuvenate and redo to become winners.

P – Performance: Every Champ measures their performance, they bring the heat every single day – they get real results, they play the game to win it, not just to play big. They monitor their results each and every day and make necessary changes in their approach to optimize the results.

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PS: In my next letter, I will be sharing the 5 essential people skills.