All posts by Innuganti

Why CHANGE is important in Life!

SUBJECT: Why CHANGE is important in Life!


They keep moving the cheese


Get ready for the Cheese to move


Smell the cheese often so you know when it is getting old


The quicker you let go of old cheese, the sooner you can enjoy new Cheese


Move with the cheese


Savor the adventure and enjoy the taste of the New Cheese


They keep moving the cheese

Reference: Who moved my Cheese? By Spencer Johnson

(Note: If you’re wondering why you got this email, you subscribed to My Online Business Education. If you’d rather I didn’t email you, you can unsubscribe below, although I’ll admit it might hurt my feelings!)

PS: In my next letter, I will be sharing a business opportunity that each and every one of you can afford to test without losing your shirt!

Using your PEAKS and VALLEYS at WORK and in LIFE

SUBJECT: Using your PEAKS and VALLEYS at WORK and in LIFE

To Manage Your Good and Bad Times:

MAKE Reality Your Friend

Whether you are temporarily up on a Peak or down in a Valley, ask yourself: What is the truth in this situation?

To Get out of a Valley Sooner:

Find and Use the Good Hidden in a Bad Time

Relax, knowing that Valleys end. Do the opposite of what put you in the Valley. Get outside of yourself; be of more service at work and more loving in life. Avoid Comparisons. Uncover the good that is hidden in a bad time, and use it soon to your advantage.

To Stay on a Peak Longer:

Appreciate and Manage your Good Times Wisely

Be Humble and grateful. Do more of what got you there. Keep making things better. Do more for others. Save resources for your upcoming Valleys.

To get to your next Peak:

Follow Your Sensible Vision

Imagine yourself enjoying a better future in such specific, believable detail, that you soon enjoy doing what takes you there.

To Help People:

Share it with Others!

Help people make good and bad times work from them, too.

Reference: Peaks and Valleys by Spencer Johnson

(Note: If you’re wondering why you got this email, you subscribed to My Online Business Education. If you’d rather I didn’t email you, you can unsubscribe below, although I’ll admit it might hurt my feelings!)

PS: In my next letter, I will be sharing why CHANGE is important in life.

7 Signs You Have Found Your Calling

SUBJECT: 7 Signs You Have Found Your Calling

A calling comes not just by looking forward to what you will do but also by looking back at what you’ve done

Sometimes, our vocations are most obvious to those who know us BEST

It must be difficult enough that not anyone can do it.

It cannot be something so obvious that you can easily explain it. It must be mysterious.

You have to fail your way in the right direction before you find it.

And it integrates well with the rest of your life, not competing with but complementing your top priorities.

The task must be so large that without a team of people you cannot complete it on your own.
Reference: Jeff Goins, 2014

(Note: If you’re wondering why you got this email, you subscribed to My Online Business Education. If you’d rather I didn’t email you, you can unsubscribe below, although I’ll admit it might hurt my feelings!)

PS: In my next letter, I will be sharing how to use your peaks and valleys at work and in life.

What is Mindfulness?

What is Mindfulness?

Human mind is a concoction of all kinds of thoughts 24 hours and 7 days a week without a rest. An adult male is disturbed 6 to 7 times in one minute with various thoughts. There are 3 goals in the practice of Mindfulness:

Reduce Suffering and Increase Happiness: We want to master our emotional response to high stress situations and improve our physical health, relationships and ability to tolerate distress and discomfort.

Increase Control of the Monkey Mind: We want to improve our ability to focus attention and detach from negative thoughts, images and sensations by decreasing reactivity to stressful events.

Experience Reality as it is: We want to fully present in our lives and the lives of those we love and experience the reality of connection, and appreciation of what we have right now.

How to take hold of Monkey Mind
1) Observe your Thoughts:
a. Notice what you are sensing
b. Notice your experience
c. Have a ‘Teflon Mind’
d. Control what you pay attention to, but not what you see
e. Be the guard at the gate to the palace of your mind
f. Step inside yourself and observe

2) Describe your Experience:
a. Put words to your experience
b. Label your experiences
c. Describe the activity of your mind
d. Unglue your opinions from the facts
e. Separate your assumptions from your observations

3) Participate in your Life
a. Enter into your present experience
b. Forget yourself
c. Act intuitively

Did you know that you possess a secret genius within your mind? If only you knew how to harness it, you could easily use it to discover your true purpose in life and make great strides in your career and finances.

I referred the work of John Assaraf for this excerpt

(Note: If you’re wondering why you got this email, you subscribed to My Online Business Education. If you’d rather I didn’t email you, you can unsubscribe below, although I’ll admit it might hurt my feelings!)

PS: In my next letter, I will be sharing a business opportunity that each and every one of you can afford to test without losing your shirt!

What is your IQ?

What is your IQ?

Don’t you hate if someone asks you ‘what is your IQ?’ Really who cares! We are so busy going from task to task each day that weeks and months go by in days anymore. Scientists from Harvard argue that some people are complex and multi-dimensional so their IQ is naturally higher than the masses when compared.
After many years of research we found that there are many varieties of intelligence available. Everyone should be measured in terms of where they fall in the spectrum of 8 categories listed below:

Verbal-Linguistic Intelligence: These people are naturally good with sound, meaning and order of words. They love to read, listen, write and often become literary geniuses or public speakers. Maybe you have this skill and you might want to try writing poems or participate in debates or engage a friend in lively discussion.

Logical-Mathematical Intelligence: These people who are highly intelligent in this skill thinks more logically than emotionally and in a sequential pattern. Puzzle solving, Riddles and putting back together a gadget will improve this intelligence. If you do possess this skill, then you should try Information technology, software engineering or Biological Sciences as your career.

Musical-Rhythmic Intelligence: These people are our favorite dancers, singers and movie actors. They are able to understand music and create it. If you want to develop this skills, just start dancing around in private or sing aloud when no one is listening or take lessons to play Piano or Violin.

Visual-Spatial Intelligence: Fighter Jet pilots, Astronauts, Cosmonauts, Graphic Designers have very high scores in this skill. People with high visual-spatial intelligence have very high depth perception and talent for imagining layouts based on data points. To improve this skill, take lessons in sculpting, painting, collage or design.

Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence: Folks with this skill usually become skilled athletes, creative artists, dancers or stage actors. To develop this skill, you need to take lessons in dribbling a soccer ball or basketball, take a ballet or line dancing.

Interpersonal Intelligence: People with this skillset are usually natural born diplomats. They understand what motivates other people and also are excellent communicators and good listeners. These people mostly succeed in business either by becoming business owners or running companies. To hone this skill set, coach a junior sports team, engage others in debates or conversations, or teach a friend a new skill.

Intrapersonal Intelligence: These people are adept at understanding their own emotions, values and philosophy of life. They know how to set goals and maintain the discipline to achieve them, they are accountable to their own life and achievements. These deep thinkers enjoy solitude and mostly are introverts. You can learn this trait by writing your goals down every single day or by reading books or writing a daily journal.

Naturalist Intelligence: These people love the nature and spends a lot of time hiking, biking, climbing mountains, and working on clean-up projects environmentally. They make excellent Geologists, Zoologists, Ecologists or Forest service members.

So who cares about Intelligent Quotient (IQ) that dreaded word we all come to despise. There are 8 other intelligences that we can all strive to learn and become a better person. Truly it’s such a big relief to know that we all can become more smart human beings regardless of where we are at in our lives. There is always a way – if you need it bad enough!

(Note: If you’re wondering why you got this email, you subscribed to My Online Business Education. If you’d rather I didn’t email you, you can unsubscribe below, although I’ll admit it might hurt my feelings!)

PS: In my next letter, I will be sharing about MINDFULNESS!

How You Can Achieve Success Faster and Easier than ever before

There is a very fine line between Success and Failure – what is it? Are you interested or Are you Committed in attaining your goals. If you are only interested in goals setting, then you will do only what is convenient – what you are familiar and comfortable with. If you are committed, then the game will change for you. Being committed, you will do what is inconvenient, what is uncomfortable. You will reach those areas that you never before seen and places you never ever visited. Interest vs. Commitment – there is a huge difference.

If you are committed – then you get up and go on to cross the fine line towards SUCCESS!

If you want to live your dreams, achieve your goals and have it all in life you need to be aware of these 5 things:

Starts with Decision: Ah! That famous word DECISION! Are you willing to DECIDE what you want? Everything in life starts with a DECISION. It’s your first step – make a Decision! Do you want to be Rich, Healthy, Educated, Stock Trader, Good Parent, Ideal Husband or Wife, Business owner, Good Employee, or Artist?

Core Values & Life’s Purpose: What is your core values and Life’s purpose – based on your background you should know the values you live by and what is your life’s purpose. Mike Tigrett, founder of Hard Rock Café had his life’s purpose to Love All, Serve All. Hard Rock became the most recognized brands in the world until he sold it to a private equity firm.

Write Goals Down: A recent study conducted proves that people who write down their goals are 64% more successful in attaining them than those who do not write them down. The commitment vs. Interest does come into picture here when you put down very clear goals and process to achieve them. You do not have to show anybody, you are your own witness. Either you cheat yourself or you overwhelm yourself. Just write them down and you will see the difference in your approach to accomplish them.

Upgrade your Skills and Knowledge: Learn to ‘Prime your Brain’ – what I mean by that is there should be a continual quest for knowledge. Hunger for awareness of things that exist in this world. If you hate numbers, I am not saying to become an accountant. All you have to learn is Assets, Liabilities and Balance sheet. If you hate speaking in public, go join the local Toastmaster’s club. If you hate programming, you do not have to program but go to the community college and learn how to build websites using WordPress templates.

Manage your Time: Billionaires have the same 24 hours each day just like you and me, but they know how to optimize their time. Most of their income is passive in nature – meaning they setup few strategies in place that will keep producing the income that they desire without them having to spend any additional time on it. There are 4 things in life that you cannot waste – Food, Time, Money and Energy. ‘Time’ of course is the most important of them all. ‘Time wasted is life wasted’ as they say.

(Note: If you’re wondering why you got this email, you subscribed to My Online Business Education. If you’d rather I didn’t email you, you can unsubscribe below, although I’ll admit it might hurt my feelings!)

PS: In my next letter, I will be sharing a business opportunity that each and every one of you can afford to test without losing your shirt!

Do you suffer from Automatic Negative Thoughts?

ANTS popularly known as Automatic Negative Thoughts indirectly dictates your success or failures in life.  In your daily life, whatever you do like driving for example, your thoughts go to having hit by big rig or get into a big accident.  This is your mind playing with your thought process – your thoughts are like junk food to your mind.  It’s the same as people craving for Mickey D’s knowing fully well that is harmful to their health when done in excess.

A great man once said Die-Mind before we can achieve Diamond status in life (Success in health, wealth and relationships).  Our mind is like a double edged sword – we can make hay with it or make hell with it – it’s all in our own hands.  Stillness is something great people can accomplish in their mind.  Thoughts come and go helter skelter at all times to our mind and all we have to do is stop these thoughts for 12 seconds to achieve that stillness.  Try it! You will be amazed how long that 12 seconds seems to us and there would be at least one thought that go thru our mind in that 12 seconds.

When ‘ANTS’ creep up all you have to do is become witness to it but not become one with it.  What I mean is watch your ‘ANTS’ like a third person, acknowledge them and move on to reinforce that with a positive thought.  Tell yourself that you are fabulous if the ANTS says that you look ugly.  Tell yourself ‘I am Rich’ when ANTS say that you are poor and broke.  Tell yourself you have a great relationship with your family when ANTS say that you suck and are lonely.

Research has proven that some of the mental diseases we have in society today are the direct result of fostering these ANTS instead of channeling them out.  When we can force ANTS out and replace them with positive affirmations that will trick our mind to prepare for the success that comes our way.  Our mind is wired to be faster and efficient than a super computer, then why some people who we knew are failing in all facets of their life.  This is the direct result of them harnessing ANTS in all phases of their life. 

6 vices of a man or a women are Lust, Anger, Greed, Attachment, Pride and Envy.  I am sure ANTS play a big role in all these vices latent in us.  With a couple of exercises mentioned above in this article I hope to control maybe one or two of these vices, we will see a big difference in our approach to life, and our relationship with other human beings.

(Note: If you’re wondering why you got this email, you subscribed to My Online Business Education. If you’d rather I didn’t email you, you can unsubscribe below, although I’ll admit it might hurt my feelings!)

PS: In my next letter, I will be sharing a business opportunity that each and every one of you can afford to test without losing your shirt!

Do not be just Active but be Productive

Just being Active all the time is not going to cut it unless we are Productive as well. In Indiana, in the late 90’s Re-Max Real Estate Company conducted a research between High net worth real estate agents vs. Low net worth real estate agents. One set of real estate agents are closing in sales faster and earning high incomes whereas the other set is not making as many sales.

This study revealed that the successful group who are producing high incomes with highest impact are doing only those activities that are producing 80% to 90% of their sales whereas the other set is doing only 20% to 25% of those activities that are producing their income.

This study proved that usually successful people knows where to focus, which activities to concentrate to make the highest impact on their sales and income.

The research also proved that these successful real estate agents have clearly defined goals, and also know to manage their time well. Their energy, focus, attitude and attention contributed to their high level of performance.

In this information age, 75 Giga bytes of information is being thrown at us every day, another 25 Giga bytes of information is thrown at us with our thoughts. These thoughts do not stop since the waking moment until you go into deep sleep. We better be damn choosy where to focus our attention among all this noise coming at us. One who can successfully filter out this noise and focus on high impact activities will be increasing their net worth.

We probably get a million positive thoughts and a million more negative thoughts in a 24 hour period. These thoughts happen randomly depending on our past interactions with our parents, siblings, friends and associates. These interactions that happened years ago also can play a role in the thoughts we get today.

So when you get a positive thought, keep reinforcing it and when you get a negative thought, be an observer for a minute and then say “NEXT”. Practice this for a couple of days and tell me if you feel energized or not.

(Note: If you’re wondering why you got this email, you subscribed to My Online Business Education. If you’d rather I didn’t email you, you can unsubscribe below, although I’ll admit it might hurt my feelings!)

PS: In my next letter, I will be sharing.

What is the definition of SUCCESS?

What is Success?

My definition of Success means small and steady incremental improvements. Success is guaranteed when these little improvements add up over time.
One of my mentors Dr. Gupta has a different ring to the meaning of Success. He reminds me of 3 G’s:


Gratitude – Be Grateful of what you have in life, what you have been given on a daily basis – give Thanks from your heart – how little it may be. Always remember your Growth starts with Gratitude.

Give – Give yourself freely – Not just money and valuables – share your knowledge, share a smile, encourage someone who is having a bad day without expecting to be paid, just give yourself to be of any service to others, talk to strangers, make someone laugh and show empathy.

Grow – Try to learn one new thing a day – have an open mind. Do not go on with your life on hearsay and innuendo. Our Brain has immense power that we do not put to use 99% of the time. You can read, recall, and retain humongous information than what you are used to today.

More than anything, once you have Clarity in life, it gives you Focus, Focus gives you Confidence, Confidence gives you Action, and Action gives you Results which paves the way to your SUCCESS.

Hope you can take this to heart and try at least one of them techniques and share with me your Success.

(Note: If you’re wondering why you got this email, you subscribed to My Online Business Education. If you’d rather I didn’t email you, you can unsubscribe below, although I’ll admit it might hurt my feelings!)

PS: In my next letter, I will be sharing how to be not just active but being productive.

The 5 essential people skills

The 5 essential people skills teaches you how to assert yourself, listen to others and resolve conflicts.

Rapport Building: Developing a personal rapport will not only makes business dealings more fun but can also serve as the foundation for mutually beneficial interactions. The way people behave toward one another can be categorized in three ways: passive, aggressive and assertive. The choice is always yours. Building rapport with other human beings, whether they are difficult people or not, is not so different from any other endeavor. A certain amount of planning and foresight goes a long way.

Curiosity: This has special relevance in a corporate setting. Curiosity can be of tremendous benefit to any manager who knows how to ignite the inborn curiosity of his or her team. Curiosity is asking the right questions, showing genuine interest in other person’s life events, evaluating your own progress and making necessary adjustments, and feeling real excitement for and caring what you really want to learn.

Communication: It is no secret that the ability to communicate well is an essential people skill. Technologies might differ but the gist of assertive communication remains the same. Great communicators always plan how to express themselves and they take time to do that which pays them back in leaps and bounds. You need to help your listeners by giving them a complete picture in language that does not confuse or mislead them. Listening is an important element, it’s an art and a skill that demands self-control.

Ambition: Ambition can be defined as wanting to achieve something that is desired or planned. Fear on the other hand stops us from achieving that desire or plan. Assertive ambition is all about recognizing ones talents and strengths early on and become specialists. Their ambition asserts itself in a way that’s congruent with their essential nature.

Conflict Resolution: Conflict is a reality in the workplace and it’s essential that leaders learn tools to effectively deal with and resolve issues before they escalate. Resolving a conflict assertively starts with making an honest assessment. Conflict resolution is mostly based on intention, it means picking up on any positive sign and making the most of it. Commit to and hold a positive attitude about negotiating a conflict. It should be a strong foundation of your approach to conflict resolution.

I referred Dale Carnegie book as a reference to the above synopsis

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PS: In my next letter, I will be sharing the definition of SUCCESS.