There is a very fine line between Success and Failure – what is it? Are you interested or Are you Committed in attaining your goals. If you are only interested in goals setting, then you will do only what is convenient – what you are familiar and comfortable with. If you are committed, then the game will change for you. Being committed, you will do what is inconvenient, what is uncomfortable. You will reach those areas that you never before seen and places you never ever visited. Interest vs. Commitment – there is a huge difference.
If you are committed – then you get up and go on to cross the fine line towards SUCCESS!
If you want to live your dreams, achieve your goals and have it all in life you need to be aware of these 5 things:
Starts with Decision: Ah! That famous word DECISION! Are you willing to DECIDE what you want? Everything in life starts with a DECISION. It’s your first step – make a Decision! Do you want to be Rich, Healthy, Educated, Stock Trader, Good Parent, Ideal Husband or Wife, Business owner, Good Employee, or Artist?
Core Values & Life’s Purpose: What is your core values and Life’s purpose – based on your background you should know the values you live by and what is your life’s purpose. Mike Tigrett, founder of Hard Rock Café had his life’s purpose to Love All, Serve All. Hard Rock became the most recognized brands in the world until he sold it to a private equity firm.
Write Goals Down: A recent study conducted proves that people who write down their goals are 64% more successful in attaining them than those who do not write them down. The commitment vs. Interest does come into picture here when you put down very clear goals and process to achieve them. You do not have to show anybody, you are your own witness. Either you cheat yourself or you overwhelm yourself. Just write them down and you will see the difference in your approach to accomplish them.
Upgrade your Skills and Knowledge: Learn to ‘Prime your Brain’ – what I mean by that is there should be a continual quest for knowledge. Hunger for awareness of things that exist in this world. If you hate numbers, I am not saying to become an accountant. All you have to learn is Assets, Liabilities and Balance sheet. If you hate speaking in public, go join the local Toastmaster’s club. If you hate programming, you do not have to program but go to the community college and learn how to build websites using WordPress templates.
Manage your Time: Billionaires have the same 24 hours each day just like you and me, but they know how to optimize their time. Most of their income is passive in nature – meaning they setup few strategies in place that will keep producing the income that they desire without them having to spend any additional time on it. There are 4 things in life that you cannot waste – Food, Time, Money and Energy. ‘Time’ of course is the most important of them all. ‘Time wasted is life wasted’ as they say.
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PS: In my next letter, I will be sharing a business opportunity that each and every one of you can afford to test without losing your shirt!