The 9 environments of YOU!

As humans we are impacted by our surroundings 24 / 7 whether we want it or not. But most folks are not even aware of the impact these 9 environments has on them and their life. This concept called 9 Environments will either make people change or get stuck in their patterns for their whole lives. Hope you all after understanding the effect these 9 environments has on you can make subtle changes that can bring happiness, health and wealth.

1) MEMETICS: Our Beliefs, Our Paradigms and our world Views are known as Memetics. When you have a positive Memetic, or a positive belief system then you will look at other environments as positive. You will recognize opportunities in life, see ‘Good’ in people and find ways to positively contribute.
But if you have been raised in an environment with unhealthy memetics, things that show you how nothing is going to work out right, how everything is a struggle, how life is hard, how people are going to take from you then those are the filters through which you will see the World.

2) PHYSICAL: Physical is the one of the easiest for people to adjust to gain immediate results. Physical can be your home, office, possessions, Car – anything that you can touch. Do you have a home that is clear and clean in space or is it filled with clutter, chaos and confusion? Take a good look at your home, office or any possession and ask yourself this question – what is the purpose. Make sure those physical environment inspires you. If it is wasting your energy, then time to make a change.

3) FINANCIAL: Almost every human being in some way, shape or form uses the financial environment in their life. Most people dive into this environment first to make a change. Your financial environment is dictated by your goals, aspirations, your outcomes and the life style that you have designed for yourself. For many people they have designed one that supports them in leading their ultimate life. But for a lot of people they design their financial environment unconsciously and they continue to repeat the same habits over and over again.

4) NETWORK: Oftentimes your financial environment is dictated by your network environment. There is a reason for business owners to hang out with other business owners, employees hang out with other employees, and Millionaires always hangs out with other Millionaires. Is your network diverse? It means does it include both men and women of all ages, varieties, cultures, industries and all walks of life, or do you have more closed network that keeps you experiencing the same things over and over again. Always try to design your networks to be part of where you are headed in the future rather than clinging on to a piece of your past.

5) RELATIONSHIPS: This environment will include the top 5 people that you spend the most time around. What is the impact you are having on them and they are having on you from day to day basis. Do you have conversations that motivate you and inspire you? If those conversations are pulling you in the wrong direction, maybe it is time to take a closer look at that relationship and make changes. Once you begin to upgrade these relationship environment with some tact and skill, you will feel more inspired about all the rest of your environments.

6) BODY: Just like you have a mind, you have a body but you are not your mind or body. Every single human being is given a body when we come into this world. Watch yourself when you wake up in the morning. Do you wake up calm and collected or do you wake up with adrenaline rush and a few expletives. Most people treat their body like a playground rather than a Temple. What are you feeding it? Always attempt to operate this machine at its highest potential. Look at the energy levels that you run and begin to upgrade your environments to add cleaner, healthier energy to your body so as to live your ultimate life.

7) SELF: Self environment is one that oftentimes eludes people because you cannot see it but if you start to study who you are, if you study your strengths, your gifts, your talents, if you have ever done any work to identify what is your vision, your mission and your purpose, these are all part of Self environment. The greatest gift in life for many people is to discover what their passions are, what is their purpose, and to spend their life expressing those passions and purpose. But a lot of people will never make it to that place.

8) SPIRITUAL: People with common beliefs gather together in a physical structure to dwell upon a higher power that we can call energy or God. These physical structure can be a Church, Temple or Synagogue. These people with common beliefs are known as Religion. Just ask yourself whether you are committing your time and energy to your Spiritual environment and what is that giving you back in return. Often times in life if someone is getting off-track in life, it’s because they are not connected to or in touch with a spiritual environment.

9) NATURE: The most subtle environment of all – how much time do you spend outdoors on a daily basis. Fresh oxygen and enough sunlight are necessary for human bodies and most of us do not spend enough time outdoors. Research proved that being under florescent lights causes stress to human body, so ask yourself how much time you spend under sunlight. Spending time on grass or sand gives your body more energy that ends up keeping you emotionally and mentally stronger. You can use Nature to control the way you think, feel and act and to produce whatever result you are looking for in life.

I referred to the work of a great man Thomas Leonard to choose this excerpt.

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PS: In my next letter, I will be sharing about the 3 questions you should always ask which will give you the tremendous power for your Success