SUBJECT: Using your PEAKS and VALLEYS at WORK and in LIFE
To Manage Your Good and Bad Times:
MAKE Reality Your Friend
Whether you are temporarily up on a Peak or down in a Valley, ask yourself: What is the truth in this situation?
To Get out of a Valley Sooner:
Find and Use the Good Hidden in a Bad Time
Relax, knowing that Valleys end. Do the opposite of what put you in the Valley. Get outside of yourself; be of more service at work and more loving in life. Avoid Comparisons. Uncover the good that is hidden in a bad time, and use it soon to your advantage.
To Stay on a Peak Longer:
Appreciate and Manage your Good Times Wisely
Be Humble and grateful. Do more of what got you there. Keep making things better. Do more for others. Save resources for your upcoming Valleys.
To get to your next Peak:
Follow Your Sensible Vision
Imagine yourself enjoying a better future in such specific, believable detail, that you soon enjoy doing what takes you there.
To Help People:
Share it with Others!
Help people make good and bad times work from them, too.
Reference: Peaks and Valleys by Spencer Johnson
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PS: In my next letter, I will be sharing why CHANGE is important in life.