Human mind is a concoction of all kinds of thoughts 24 hours and 7 days a week without a rest. An adult male is disturbed 6 to 7 times in one minute with various thoughts. There are 3 goals in the practice of Mindfulness:
Reduce Suffering and Increase Happiness: We want to master our emotional response to high stress situations and improve our physical health, relationships and ability to tolerate distress and discomfort.
Increase Control of the Monkey Mind: We want to improve our ability to focus attention and detach from negative thoughts, images and sensations by decreasing reactivity to stressful events.
Experience Reality as it is: We want to fully present in our lives and the lives of those we love and experience the reality of connection, and appreciation of what we have right now.
How to take hold of Monkey Mind
1) Observe your Thoughts:
a. Notice what you are sensing
b. Notice your experience
c. Have a ‘Teflon Mind’
d. Control what you pay attention to, but not what you see
e. Be the guard at the gate to the palace of your mind
f. Step inside yourself and observe
2) Describe your Experience:
a. Put words to your experience
b. Label your experiences
c. Describe the activity of your mind
d. Unglue your opinions from the facts
e. Separate your assumptions from your observations
3) Participate in your Life
a. Enter into your present experience
b. Forget yourself
c. Act intuitively
Did you know that you possess a secret genius within your mind? If only you knew how to harness it, you could easily use it to discover your true purpose in life and make great strides in your career and finances.
I referred the work of John Assaraf for this excerpt
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PS: In my next letter, I will be sharing a business opportunity that each and every one of you can afford to test without losing your shirt!