Do not be just Active but be Productive

Just being Active all the time is not going to cut it unless we are Productive as well. In Indiana, in the late 90’s Re-Max Real Estate Company conducted a research between High net worth real estate agents vs. Low net worth real estate agents. One set of real estate agents are closing in sales faster and earning high incomes whereas the other set is not making as many sales.

This study revealed that the successful group who are producing high incomes with highest impact are doing only those activities that are producing 80% to 90% of their sales whereas the other set is doing only 20% to 25% of those activities that are producing their income.

This study proved that usually successful people knows where to focus, which activities to concentrate to make the highest impact on their sales and income.

The research also proved that these successful real estate agents have clearly defined goals, and also know to manage their time well. Their energy, focus, attitude and attention contributed to their high level of performance.

In this information age, 75 Giga bytes of information is being thrown at us every day, another 25 Giga bytes of information is thrown at us with our thoughts. These thoughts do not stop since the waking moment until you go into deep sleep. We better be damn choosy where to focus our attention among all this noise coming at us. One who can successfully filter out this noise and focus on high impact activities will be increasing their net worth.

We probably get a million positive thoughts and a million more negative thoughts in a 24 hour period. These thoughts happen randomly depending on our past interactions with our parents, siblings, friends and associates. These interactions that happened years ago also can play a role in the thoughts we get today.

So when you get a positive thought, keep reinforcing it and when you get a negative thought, be an observer for a minute and then say “NEXT”. Practice this for a couple of days and tell me if you feel energized or not.

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PS: In my next letter, I will be sharing.