3 questions you should always ask yourself!

In any situation, if you care to ask yourself 3 questions
What did I do to cause this situation?
• Could I have prevented this situation?
• How am I responding to this situation?

If another driver is in a rush on the highway and cut you off, how do you respond to that situation – show your middle finger, or get all upset about it such that your rest of the day is gone to dogs or you ignore that and completely forget that incident which is not worth brooding over.

Your choices are activated by your behavior – this repeated behavior over time becomes a habit. Over long period of time those habits do become reality – do become your life. So what are the choices you make, what behavior you inculcate and what habits do you develop. A great man said once “Life is your own damn fault”. Whether you are successful or a failure, you are still “self-made”. All of us are self-made unless you are born in royalty.

It is very easy to look at gifted athletes and say he is ‘very talented’ or say he ‘loves this game’. If Talent and Love can only make these athletes great, we would have millions of them. We have so few great athletes in this world is because they practice every single day in what they have talent at and what they love. They make it their behavior, they make it their habit and they make it their reality – not yours’.

We should take 100% responsibility of our life. Is it easy? No absolutely not! It gives you tremendous inner power if you do take 100% responsibility. That inner power will help you frame your Behaviors, Habits and realize Success. This alone is the reason for Fantastic Success or a Colossal Failure of any individual in this world.

I referred the work of Darren Hardy to choose this excerpt

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PS: In my next letter, I will be sharing about the 7 positive qualities of successful people