Can you program your BRAIN?

When we were growing up, we all were kind of punished with not too kind words like ‘you amount to nothing’, ‘you want to be a beggar on the streets’, ‘this world will never need you’, ‘you will die poor’ etc. Those words may not hurt our conscious mind since only loved one’s usually said those things out of fear that we are not mending our ways. But our sub-conscious mind definitely heard those same words and then it got programmed in our brain. To be successful, we need to re-wire our Brain to change the negative programming with positive affirmations. This is what is known as programming your BRAIN.

Some of the positive affirmations that you can try for yourself are:
• Money is easy to earn
• I deserve all the money that I earn
• I consistently use money wisely
• It is a lot of fun to earn money
• I feel real good earning as much money as I deserve

These are just some of the examples – you can devise your own and keep faith as you say those words. I have 20 other affirmations that I use in my daily exercises. Send me a mail if you like to have all of them.

Latest Brain research has made it crystal clear that our Brains are conditioned by not only our genetics at birth but also by our beliefs and habits. So changing our habits and beliefs can help us transport ourselves into what we truly want and achieve.

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PS: In my next letter, I will be sharing about the 9 environments of your life that can change the ultimate game of life for you and your family.