What is SUCCESS?

Success has not one definition but probably a million – each of us define Success differently that appeals to us and Success cannot be measured with any yardstick. But in my firm opinion if one can understand these 4 things in this order, then SUCCESS can be owned.

CLARITY: Having a very clear path in your head as to your short term goals, mid-term goals, and long term goals. Some people are obsessed with only short term goals and they have no idea of what they are going to accomplish same time next year. They put out a lot of energy in day to day goals and are mighty successful at it. But to have clarity of your ambitions, desires, outcomes and obstacles in the mid to long term is sure path to Success. One has to put their goals on paper to have clarity in the process of accomplishing those goals.

CONFIDENCE: Clarify will feed the Confidence. One who lacks confidence surely will have rough time finding Success. Confidence is something you can find with having a mentor, one whom you can share unabashedly and unequivocally of your failures as well as successes. Again Confidence can be situational and one has to be very careful about it. What we are looking here for is equanimity – being the same person with either failures or successes. Confidence is something to be found within oneself rather than external factors.

CONVICTION: ‘Whatever it takes’ attitude surely will feed this conviction. The willingness to do what it takes is Conviction. Doing only those things that are easy to do is not Conviction. Getting out of your comfort zone is what Conviction is all about. Successful people are always asking themselves what I can do today that is going to help me accomplish my goals. Creativity is harnessed with Conviction in my opinion. No one is born with Creativity – it is something that can be learned and improved with Conviction.

COMPASSION: The richest people in this world are the most givers – have you noticed that! The more you give, the more you earn is no joke. You got to share the fruits of your own labor and those of others. Some people give in terms of mentoring other folks to teach them the same principles that got them to where they are. Compassion may be the last ‘C’ in this list but that is the most important ‘C’ in my opinion. Compassion is what feeds your Conviction, Clarify and Confidence.

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PS: In my next letter, I will be sharing my most favorite topic – BRAIN! Are we programmed in our Brain to be not Rich?